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Learn how to tát conduct a survey in these simple steps

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Wondering how to tát conduct a survey? Here are the 5 things you’ll need to tát do:

What are surveys used for? 

The benefits of conducting surveys are useful when you need to tát make an informed decision that can increase sales, improve internal workflow, and affect your sales demographics. Overall, conducting surveys helps you discover information regarding the opinions and preferences of a specific demographic. Valuable information lượt thích this can help you understand your customers better.  

There are generally 4 types of research: 

Understanding the need to tát conduct surveys is one thing. How to tát conduct your own survey is an entirely different challenge. Asking the right questions is key to tát collecting the information you want. Asking these questions in the right way is also important. Accomplishing both within your surveys might be a tougher than vãn you think. SurveyMonkey makes it easy for survey makers by providing a catalogue of sample templates for a variety of use cases.

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Advantages of surveys 

Utilizing surveys can offer a better understanding of employees, customers, products, your business, and your competitors. If you have a product or service no one is buying, perhaps you’re not selling to tát the right people, or maybe you have a faulty product. Maybe you have a product or service everyone wants, but it’s not selling. In this case, the problem might be internal. Conducting surveys the right way can help you gain insight to tát such issues. 

1. Ask yourself why you want to tát send it

The first thing you should vì thế before writing a survey is to tát figure out why you’re sending it out at all. What type of insights are you looking for and what would help you validate your decisions. This will affect your question types and give you the most accurate data.

For example, let’s say you want to tát know what people think about milk. The first thing you need to tát figure out is: why vì thế you want to tát know what people think about milk? Is it because you are a dairy farmer who wants to tát know how many new cows to tát buy this year? Or is it because you are a drug company gauging the demand for a medicine for lactose intolerant people? Or is it because you want to tát market your new soymilk most effectively?

Tip: Create a list of questions you need to tát know about your business. Making a list of any problems your company might have is also useful.

2. Pinpoint your demographic

To pick the best way to tát design and distribute your survey, you should figure out who you’ll be asking to tát fill it out. Decide who your target demographic is before you make decisions about your survey. Have more than vãn one demographic? You might want more than vãn one survey.

For example, an athletic clothing company, might ask females different questions than vãn males about the fit of their clothing. That might mean asking different questions and applying skip logic in your surveys, or you could send entirely different surveys. 

There are far too many options to tát consider when it comes to tát pinpointing a demographic. Speculating is an option, but it can be an expensive one if you’re wrong. SurveyMonkey is a great tool to tát helping you build an audience panel to tát ask the right questions in order to tát get the best results.  

3. Identify the number of respondents you need

Once you’ve figured out who you’re asking, the next step in how to tát conduct a survey is making sure you have enough people to tát ask. Figuring out the number of people you need to tát have respond to tát your survey (known as “sample size” in the survey world) will make sure that any analyses that you run rẩy on the data you collect are a strong basis for good decisions. This “sample” of people needs to tát be big enough to tát be an accurate estimate of your target demographic. Try our margin of error calculator. 

For example, if you’re asking American men how often they wear ties, enough American men need to tát respond so sánh that their answers represent what American men think. So how many is enough? Well there are roughly 150 million men in the United States, so sánh to tát estimate a population of that size you’ll need 385 American men. Not sure how big your population is? In general, we recommend a mặc định sample size of 400 people. (If you want to tát know more about the mathematical magic behind these numbers, kiểm tra out these tips on finding your sample size.)

Selecting the right audience panel is related to tát the product or service you’re selling. That product or service might be regionally specific. For instance, suntan lotion will have higher sales in the west coast of North America and nước Australia better than vãn the North American Midwest and Great Britain. So, for optimal results on suntanning products, it’s best to tát survey people who live in non-seasonal regions. 

Tip: How many people from each region should you include in an audience panel? This is where SurveyMonkey can assist. Create a survey with this sample size calculator to tát determine the size of your panel. 

4. Pick the right moment to tát conduct a survey

When you choose to tát send out your survey can have a big impact on who ends up responding. This can cost you money, as incorrect survey launch timing can decrease the percentage of people who respond to tát your survey. Survey launch timing can also change the answers you get—which can change the decisions you make. Not sure exactly when the right people might be around? Collecting survey responses for at least a week can make sure you’re pulling in a broad range of people and opinions.

For example, surveys about designer dress rental services will likely yield a bigger response in the days surrounding the Oscars than vãn other times of the year. Or, if you’re trying to tát reach 18-21 year olds who lượt thích to tát go out to tát nightclubs, sending a survey out on a Friday night is a bad idea as they’re likely to tát be out. Surveys can also influence the answers you receive. Identical surveys sent out at 9am and 9pm about how tasty people think dumplings are is likely not only to tát be answered by different people, but also is likely to tát yield different answers. Similarly, a survey about how much someone wants to tát quit their job will yield different answers on a Monday and a Friday.

5. Design and send the survey

Learning how to tát conduct surveys requires more than vãn just figuring out why it’s necessary. Design and distribution is another important step. Get additional ideas on survey creation such as themes and colors. Let’s recap some of the best practices needed to tát help layout the ideal survey: 

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Survey best practices

Select the right software 

Having the right survey software to tát guide you through crafting the best survey for the information you need to tát improve business is key. SurveyMonkey is the world’s leading survey platform because we answer more than vãn đôi mươi million questions daily. Plus, we make it easy by providing you with sample questions and pre-built surveys. 

Consult your team 

Your team can offer a fresh perspective that you may not have considered. Get the most from your survey by including management to tát the survey-building process to tát add more value. It’s easy to tát collaborate of surveys as a team.

Determine your target population 

If you don’t have respondents for your surveys, you can build a custom audience panel. This is especially useful if you’re conducting market research. SurveyMonkey Audience has a trusted panel of respondents sourced from more than vãn 130 countries across the globe. Alternatively, if you know who you are sending your survey to—like customers or employees—you can import those contacts directing into SurveyMonkey for response collection, or you can rely on one of our many integrations. 

Create an engaging questionnaire

With the overload of information readily available from mobile devices, attention spans can be short. That’s why it’s helpful to tát create alluring questionnaires. Graphics and multimedia certainly help keep interests. Make surveys more engaging with these 5 things.

Types of questions to tát ask


Age, education, gender, income, marital status, and ethnicity are the most common types of demographic data collected. It’s best practice to tát consult an expert who knows how to tát ask these questions in an inclusive way. Be sure to tát add an option allowing people who don’t feel comfortable answering such questions. For instance, instead of asking how old a person is, provide a range of options that include the option for “Prefer not to tát answer.” 


The verbiage of open-ended questions need to tát be precise and used sparingly. Asking a question lượt thích, What vì thế you lượt thích most about this product? Could result in a rant that doesn’t offer any value. Open-ended questions should be used when looking for an opinion on a specific subject. For instance, What can we vì thế to tát improve Product X? Narrows the response and provides relevant feedback. Also, wording questions that require a one or two-word answer is helpful when it’s time to tát analyze the data.


Closed-ended questions typically require binary answers lượt thích “yes or no.” This sườn of questioning is most helpful when collecting demographic information. Offering a select list, radio buttons, and checkboxes are beneficial for questions requiring longer answers. It’s also a smart way to tát keep answers that might otherwise require longer answers short.  

Common distribution methods 

Once you’ve created a strategic questionnaire with methodical and precise questions to tát a select demographic audience, it’s time to tát distribute. Here, you have options:

What to tát vì thế after conducting a survey 

The survey has been completed and distributed to tát a select audience panel. Now, the responses come in, and real work will begin.

Analyze the data

Survey results come in immediately. Suddenly, you have a large amount of data. It might be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to tát be if you’re ready to tát receive it. Create a table to tát analyze your information to tát provide gainful insights. Prepare a spreadsheet or use a survey template to tát organize and manage data results.

Create an action plan

Start with keeping track of the total number of surveys submitted, views, and responses. Other metrics will depend on your survey questions. Depending on your business goals, how you utilize your survey results can benefit your company in many ways.

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Implement changes and retest 

While it’s ultimately your choice on how to tát best utilize survey results, the best plan of action is to tát write up a report of your analysis. Next, address the feedback reflecting concerns towards your business. Once you’ve addressed those concerns, follow up with another survey to tát determine if the changes implemented made a difference. 
Now that you have these 5 steps in your back pocket, the challenge in how to tát conduct a survey should be less daunting! Just be sure to tát go through these steps diligently. After all, each one of them can influence the responses you get back and the decisions you kết thúc up making!

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