peter and dane are talking about environmental protection


Cập nhật ngày: 01-12-2022

Bạn đang xem: peter and dane are talking about environmental protection

Chia sẻ bởi: Lâm

Peter and Dane are talking about environmental protection.
Peter: “We should limit the use of plastic bags.”
Dane: “.......... We can use paper bags instead.”

Chủ đề liên quan

She sent bầm a ............ letter thanking bầm for my invitation.

There’s somebody behind US. I think we..........

He was made .............for two hours.

Mark letter A, B, C or D to tát indicate the part that is incorrect
There has been recent innovations in steel-making technology.

Mark letter A, B, C or D to tát indicate the part that is incorrect
Mr. Brown, that teaches me English, is coming today.

Online shopping is one of the fastest growing areas of the Net, ……..1…….. offers users many advantages over traditional shopping. Customers have access to tát a wider range of the best goods phàn nàn in any shopping centre there are no queues or parking problems; ‘shops’ are open 24 hours ……… day and purchases are delivered to tát your door. What is more, prices are competitive, and online price comparison services enable you to tát find the most suitable items. These sites tìm kiếm the net for a product and then show you how much different online stores are charging. Once you have decided what you are going to tát buy, and who you are going to tát buy it from, simply click on the “add to tát shopping basket”………. on your điện thoại thông minh.

Online shopping is one of the fastest growing areas of the Net, ……..…….. offers users many advantages over traditional shopping. Customers have access to tát a wider range of the best goods phàn nàn in any shopping centre there are no queues or parking problems; ‘shops’ are open 24 hours ……2… day and purchases are delivered to tát your door. What is more, prices are competitive, and online price comparison services enable you to tát find the most suitable items. These sites tìm kiếm the net for a product and then show you how much different online stores are charging. Once you have decided what you are going to tát buy, and who you are going to tát buy it from, simply click on the “add to tát shopping basket”………. on your điện thoại thông minh.

Xem thêm: trình bày diễn biến, kết quả, ý nghĩa của chiến thắng bạch đằng năm 938

Online shopping is one of the fastest growing areas of the Net, ……..…….. offers users many advantages over traditional shopping. Customers have access to tát a wider range of the best goods phàn nàn in any shopping centre there are no queues or parking problems; ‘shops’ are open 24 hours ……… day and purchases are delivered to tát your door. What is more, prices are competitive, and online price comparison services enable you to tát find the most suitable items. These sites tìm kiếm the net for a product and then show you how much different online stores are charging. Once you have decided what you are going to tát buy, and who you are going to tát buy it from, simply click on the “add to tát shopping basket”……3…. on your điện thoại thông minh.

Who plays role as the heart and soul of Hanoi’s crafts?


the craftsman’s wife does

Which kind of weather does the craft making process depend on?

Which traditional craft bởi Mr. Hoa and his wife preserve?

How many materials are there to tát make that craft?

The word “dependent on” is closest in meaning to____.

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The town council decided to tát pull ………… the building as it was unsafe.

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to tát indicate the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to tát the underlined word.
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