bài tập về câu bị động

Câu tiêu cực (Passive voice) là vấn đề ngữ pháp thân thuộc trong những kỳ đua giờ đồng hồ Anh. Để bắt vững chắc cấu hình này, hãy nằm trong ELSA Speak ôn luyện qua chuyện 100 bài bác tập dượt câu tiêu cực sau đây nhé.

Lý thuyết câu tiêu cực nhập giờ đồng hồ Anh

Câu tiêu cực thông thường dùng làm nhấn mạnh vấn đề công ty – người hoặc vật đang được Chịu đựng tác dụng từ một hành vi.

Bạn đang xem: bài tập về câu bị động

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Cấu trúc:

S+ be + V3 + (by +n)

Ví dụ:

  • Câu căn nhà động: He bought a new siêu xe yesterday. (Anh ấy tiếp tục mua sắm một con xe mới mẻ ngày hôm qua.)
  • Câu bị động: A new siêu xe was bought by him yesterday. (Một con xe mới mẻ đã và đang được anh ấy mua sắm nhập ngày hôm qua.)

Cấu trúc câu tiêu cực của 12 thì nhập giờ đồng hồ Anh:

ThìCấu trúcVí dụ
Present simple

(Hiện bên trên đơn)

S + am/is/are + V3The floor is cleaned everyday.

Sàn căn nhà được vệ sinh dọn thường ngày.

Past simple

(Quá khứ đơn)

S + were/was + V3 My xe đạp was fixed yesterday.

→ Xe giẫm của tôi đã và đang được sửa ngày ngày hôm qua rồi.

Future Simple

(Tương lai đơn)

S + will be + V3 These goods will be sold in 2 months. 

→ Những sản phẩm & hàng hóa này sẽ tiến hành chào bán nhập 2 mon nữa.

Present continuous

(Hiện bên trên tiếp diễn)

S + am/is/are + being + V3The house is being painted now. 

Ngôi căn nhà đang rất được nện nhập thời điểm hiện nay.

Past continuous

(Quá khứ tiếp diễn) 

S + were/was + being + V3The trees were being cut at 6 PM yesterday. 

Những cái cây này đã trở nên chặt nhập 6 giờ chiều ngày hôm qua.

Future continuous

(Tương lai tiếp diễn)

S + will be + being + V3The animals will be being fed by zookeepers at 7 AM tomorrow. 

Các loài vật sẽ tiến hành nhân viên cấp dưới sở thú mang đến ăn nhập 7 giờ ngày mai.

Present perfect

(Hiện bên trên trả thành)

S + has/have + been + V3This road has not been used for 2 years.

Con đàng này đang không được dùng hai năm rồi.

Past perfect

(Quá khứ trả thành)

S + had + been + V3The exercises had been done by them.

Bài tập dượt đã và đang được công ty chúng tôi triển khai xong xong xuôi.

Future perfect 

(Tương lai trả thành)

S + will have + been + V3This essay will have been finished by 6 o’clock.

Bài luận này sẽ tiến hành triển khai xong trước 6 giờ.

Present perfect continuous

(Hiện bên trên triển khai xong tiếp diễn)

S + have/has + been + being + V3The robbers have been being looked for by the police day and night. 

Những thương hiệu cướp đã trở nên công an săn lùng ráo riết ngày tối.

Past perfect continuous

(Quá khứ triển khai xong tiếp diễn)

S + had + been +being + V3The door had been knocking since we came in.

Cánh cửa ngõ bị gõ liên tiếp kể từ thời điểm công ty chúng tôi vào trong nhà.

Future perfect continuous 

(Tương lai triển khai xong tiếp diễn)

S + will  have + been +being + V3The piano will have been being played when she comes at 6 PM.

Piano sẽ tiến hành tiến công Khi cô ấy cho tới nhập khi 6 giờ chiều.

Cách quy đổi câu dữ thế chủ động sang trọng câu bị động

Bước 1: Xác tấp tểnh những trở thành phần: S, V, O và thì của động kể từ nhập câu

Bước 2: Chuyển O (câu căn nhà động) → S (câu bị động)

Bước 3: Chuyển S (câu căn nhà động) → by O (câu bị động). 

Bước 4: V chủ yếu (câu căn nhà động) → be + V3 (câu bị động).

Lưu ýVí dụ
S (câu căn nhà động) là: People, everyone, someone, anyone. 

→ cũng có thể lược quăng quật nhập câu tiêu cực.

Someone turned on the air conditioner.

→ The air conditioner was turned on.

Ai này đã nhảy máy rét lên.

S (câu căn nhà động) chỉ người/vật thẳng tạo nên hành vi. 

→ By O

The cake is being cut by him.  

Chiếc bánh được hạn chế vì thế anh tao.

S (câu căn nhà động) chỉ người/vật loại gián tiếp tạo nên hành vi. 

→ With O

The cake is being cut with a knife.  

→ Chiếc bánh được hạn chế vì thế con cái dao.

>>Có thể chúng ta quan liêu tâm: Câu tiêu cực thì lúc này đơn

Trọn cỗ 100 câu bài bác tập dượt tiêu cực [có đáp án chi tiết]

Bài tập dượt câu tiêu cực cơ phiên bản đem đáp án

Bài tập dượt tiêu cực với những thì cơ bản

1. A woman feeds the lions.

The lions ________________________

A. are fed

B. were fed by a woman.

2. A boy broke the window.

The window _____________________

A. was broken

B. is broken by a boy.

3. Somebody has made a mistake.

A mistake _______________________

A. was made

B. has been made.

4. Everybody is going đồ sộ love him.

He _____________________________

A. is going đồ sộ be loved

B. was going đồ sộ be loved by everybody.

5. Cervantes wrote ‘Don Quixote’.

‘Don Quixote’ _______________________

A. was written by Cervantes.

B. has been written by Cervantes.

6. They are helping my brother.

My brother ________________

A. is being helped by them.

B. is being helped 

7. Pamela will drive the xe taxi.

The xe taxi ____________________

A. will been driven

B. will be driven by Pamela.

8. I was watering these trees.

These trees ___________________

A. were being watered

B. are being watered by bủ.

9. I will pay the bill in 2 months.

The bill__________________

A. will pay in 2 months

B. will be paid in 2 months

10. Hoa is reading comics now.

Comics_________________ now.

A. is read

B. is being read

Đáp án


>> Xem thêm:

  • Bài tập dượt thì vượt lên trên khứ đơn
  • Bài tập dượt câu điều kiện
  • Bài tập dượt câu tường thuật

Bài tập dượt Passive voice dạng câu hỏi

1. Do they teach English here?


2. Will you invite her đồ sộ your wedding party?


3. Has Tom finished the work?


4. Did the teacher give some exercises?


5. Have you finished your homework?


6. How many games has the team played?


7. Where vì thế people speak English?


8. Who will look after the children for you?


9. How long have they waited for the doctor?


10. What time can the boys hand in their papers?


11. Who lent you this book?


12. How many marks does the teacher give you?


Đáp án: 

1. Is English taught here?

2. Will she be invited đồ sộ your wedding party?

3. Has the work been finished by Tom?

4. Were some exercises given by the teacher?

5. Has your homework been finished?

6. How many games have been played by the team?

7. Where is English spoken?

8. By whom are the children looked after?

9. How long has the doctor been waiting for?

10. What time can the boy’s papers be handed in?

11. By whom is this book lent đồ sộ you?

12. How many marks are you given by the teacher?

Bài tập dượt đem 2 tân ngữ

1. The waiter brought bủ this dish.


2. Our friends send these postcards đồ sộ us.


3. Their grandmother told them this story when they visited her last week.


4. Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother.


5. You didn’t show bủ the special cameras.


6. She showed her ticket đồ sộ the airline agent.


7. He lends his friend his new shoes.


8.She left her relatives five million pounds.


9. The cửa hàng assistant handed these boxes đồ sộ the customer.


10. The board awarded the first prize đồ sộ the reporter.


Xem thêm: tứ giác đều là hình gì

Bài tập dượt câu tiêu cực đem 2 tân ngữ

Đáp án:

1. This dish was brought đồ sộ bủ (by the waiter).

2. These postcards are sent đồ sộ us(by our friend).

3. This story was told đồ sộ them(by their grandmother) when they visited her last week.

4. This train ticket was ordered for Tim’s mother.

5. The special cameras weren’t shown đồ sộ bủ.

6. Her ticket was shown đồ sộ the airline agent (by her).

7. His new shoes are lent đồ sộ his friends (by him).

8. Five million pounds was left đồ sộ her relatives (by her).

9. These boxes were handed đồ sộ the customer (by the cửa hàng assistant).

10. The first prize was awarded đồ sộ the reporter (by the board).

Bài tập dượt gửi câu tiêu cực với động kể từ tường thuật

1. They told bủ that you were the best architect in this thành phố.


2. She reported that the flowers were killed by frost.


3. Some people inform bủ that the director is going đồ sộ take a business trip đồ sộ England.


4. That officer announced that the meeting was delayed until next week.


5. He discovered that this cốt tông was grown in Egypt.


6. They promise that the performance will start on time.


7. He recommends that we should stay in the thành phố center.


8. We believed that Alice would pass the driving test.


9. The director notifies all the workers that they will have đồ sộ work extra hard this month.


10. They have persuaded bủ that they will go with bủ đồ sộ the stadium.


Đáp án:

1. I was told that you were the architect in this thành phố.

2. It was reported that the flowers were killed by frost./The flowers were reported đồ sộ be killed by frost.

3. I am informed that the director is going đồ sộ take a business trip đồ sộ England.

4. It was announced that the meeting was delayed until next week.

5. It was discovered that this cốt tông was grown in Egypt.

6. It is promised that the performance will start on time.

7. It is recommended that we stay in the thành phố center.

8. It was believed that Alice would pass the driving test.

9. All the workers are notified that they will have đồ sộ work extra hard this month.

10. I have been persuaded that they will go with bủ đồ sộ the stadium.

Chuyển câu tiêu cực với động kể từ sai bảo

1. I had my uncle paint my room last week.


2. She will have bủ wash the dishes tomorrow.


3. They have her tell the story again.


4. John gets his sister đồ sộ clean his shirt.


5. Anne had had a friend type her composition.


6. Rick will have a barber cut his hair.


7. I will get the dressmaker đồ sộ make a new dress.


8. He got a mechanic đồ sộ repair his siêu xe.


9. We had a man take this photograph when we were on holiday last summer.


10. The Greens had a carpet cleaner clean their carpet.


Đáp án:

1. I had my room painted last week.

2. She will have the dishes washed tomorrow.

3. They have the story told again.

4. John gets his shirt cleaned.

5. Anne has had her composition typed.

6. Rick will have his hair cut.

7. I will get a new dress made.

8. He got his siêu xe repaired.

9. We had this photograph taken when we were on holiday last summer.

10. The Greens had their carpet cleaned.

Bài tập dượt tiêu cực ôn đua THPTQG

Câu căn vặn Đáp án
1. “What a lovely dress you’re wearing!”

“Thank you. It …………… especially for bủ by my mother.”

A. is made

B. has made

C. made

D. was made

2. I don’t understand why the students didn’t keep silent while the speech …………A. has been made

B. was made

C. would be made

D. was being made

3. This is the first time I have seen this siêu xe. Where ………………?A. did it make

B. did it made

C. was it make

D. was it made

4. Today, many serious childhood diseases ……………….. by early immunization.A. are preventing

B. can prevent

C. prevent

D. can be prevented

5. Whole-grain food products …………….. in most large supermarkets across the United States and Canada.A. now can purchase

B. can now be purchased

C. now đồ sộ purchase

D. the purchase of which

6. All that rubbish will have đồ sộ be …………. at once.A. get rid of

B. got rid of

C. đồ sộ get rid of

D. getting rid of

7. “What happened đồ sộ the postman?”

“He …………………. đồ sộ a new town đồ sộ work.”

A. has sent

B. was send

C. was sent

D. sent

8. Excuse bủ. Is this seat………………?A. taking

B. took

C. occupy

D. taken

9. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ………………. .A. we are following

B. we are being followed

C. we are followed

D. we are being following

10. We’re late. The film ……………… by the time we get đồ sộ the cinema.A. will already start

B. will be already started

C. will already have started

D. will be starting

11. I still can’t believe it. My bicycle ……………… some minutes ago.A. was stolen

B. was stealing

C. stolen

D. stole

12. Some funny ……………… in class yesterday.A. happened

B. was happened

C. happens

D. is happened

Đáp án:

1. D2. D3. D4. D
5. B6. B7. C8. D
9. B10. C11. A12. A
Bài tập dượt câu tiêu cực ôn đua THPTQG

Bài tập dượt tiêu cực dạng nâng cao

1. The boys pointed at the woman with a red hat.


2. They have provided the poor with food and clothing.


3. People speak English in almost every corner of the world.


4. You mustn’t use that machine after 7:30 p.m.


5. After class, they always erase the chalkboard.


6. The company paid bủ a lot of money đồ sộ vì thế the job.


7. The headmaster gave each of us two exercise books.


8. Someone will tell him that story.


9. They have sent enough money đồ sộ those poor families.


10. They have given women in most countries the right đồ sộ vote.


Đáp án:

1. The woman with a red hat was pointed at by the boys.

2. The poor have been provided with food and clothing.

3. English is spoken in almost every corner of the world.

4. That machine mustn’t be used after 7:30 p.m.

5. After class, the chalkboard is always erased.

6. I was paid a lot of money đồ sộ vì thế the job by the company.

7. Each of us was given two exercise books by the headmaster.

8. He will be told that story.

Xem thêm: hoc10.com bộ sách cánh diều lớp 3

9. Those poor have been sent enough money.

10. Women in most countries have been given the right đồ sộ vote.

Trên phía trên những bài bác tập dượt câu tiêu cực nhưng mà ELSA Speak tiếp tục tổ hợp được. quý khách hàng hãy luyện thiệt tập dượt cần cù nhằm đoạt được căn nhà điểm ngữ pháp này và đạt điểm số cao trong mỗi kỳ đua tiếp đây nhé.