bài tập câu hỏi đuôi

Bài ghi chép 50 Bài luyện về Câu căn vặn đuôi nhập Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải bao gồm không thiếu thốn lý thuyết trọng tâm về Câu căn vặn đuôi và bên trên 50 bài bác luyện về Câu căn vặn đuôi tinh lọc, sở hữu đáp án cụ thể khiến cho bạn nắm rõ cơ hội dùng của Câu căn vặn đuôi.

50 Bài luyện về Câu căn vặn đuôi nhập Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải

Phần I. Lý thuyết

1. Định nghĩa

Bạn đang xem: bài tập câu hỏi đuôi

Câu căn vặn đuôi là dạng một thắc mắc cộc, chỉ bao gồm 2 kể từ, ở phía sau một câu trần thuật

- Vị trí: Câu căn vặn đuôi được tăng vào thời gian cuối câu xác minh hoặc phủ lăm le, cả nhị vế được ngăn cách nhau chừng bởi vì lốt phẩy.

- Chức năng: Câu căn vặn đuôi được dùng khi người phát biểu ham muốn xác minh coi vấn đề là đích hay là không hoặc khi ham muốn người nghe trả lời về câu tường thuật cơ.

2. Cấu trúc

S + V + O, trợ động kể từ + đại từ?

Trong đó:

- Đại từ: Lấy chủ ngữ ở câu đầu đổi thành đại từ.

- Trợ động từ: Phụ nằm trong nhập động kể từ ở câu trước.

*Chú ý: Nếu câu tường thuật là thể xác minh, thì thắc mắc đuôi được xem là thể phủ lăm le và ngược lại.

3. Một số tình huống quánh biệt

*Đối với động kể từ "Am"

Chúng tớ ko sử dụng “am not I” nhưng mà cần sử dụng “aren’t I” cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: I am wrong, aren’t I?

*Đối với động kể từ khuyết thiếu "Must"

- Khi “must” chỉ sự cần thiết, tớ dùng “needn’t” cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: They must work hard, needn’t they? (Họ cần thao tác tích đặc biệt rộng lớn, đích không?)

- Khi “must” chỉ sự cấm đoán, tớ dùng must cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: You mustn’t come late, must you? (Anh ko được cho tới trễ, nghe chưa?)

- Khi “must” chỉ sự dự đoán ở hiện tại, tớ dựa vào động từ theo gót sau “must” để chọn động từ cho tới thích hợp.

Ví dụ: She must be a very kind woman, isn’t she?

- Khi “must” chỉ sự dự đoán ở quá khứ (trong công thức “must + have + V3/ed), tớ dùng have/has cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: You must have stolen my wallet, haven’t you? (Chị chắc rằng là đang được lấy cắp ví tài chính tôi, đích không?)

*Đối với động kể từ "Have to"

Với động kể từ “have/ has/ had to” thì tớ sử dụng trợ động kể từ “do/ does/ did” cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: She has to tướng go trang chính, doesn’t she? (Có cần cô ghép cần thiết về nhà?)

*Đối với động kể từ "Let"

- “Let’s” nhập câu khêu gợi ý, rủ rê ai thao tác gì cơ nằm trong bản thân thì tớ dùng “shall we?” cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: Let’s go, shall we? (Ta lên đường thôi, cần ko nào?)

- “Let” nhập câu van phép (let us/let me) thì tớ dùng “will you?” cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: Let us use the telephone, will you? (Cho tụi mình dùng điện thoại cảm ứng thông minh, được không?)

- "Let" nhập [câu đề nghị] giúp người khác (let me), dùng "may I?"

Ví dụ: Let bầm help you tự it, may I? (Để bản thân canh ty cậu thực hiện, được chứ?)

*Đối với câu mệnh lệnh

- Diễn miêu tả điều chào thì tớ sử dụng “won't you” cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: Drink some coffee, won’t you? (Mời chúng ta nốc chút cafe nhé?)

- Diễn miêu tả sự nhờ vả thì tớ sử dụng “will you” cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: Take it away now, will you? (Vứt dùm bản thân nhé?)

- Diễn miêu tả sự rời khỏi mệnh lệnh thì tớ sử dụng “can/ could/ would you” cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: Go out, can’t you? (Ra ngoài dùm tôi?)

- Đối với câu khẩu lệnh phủ lăm le chỉ được sử dụng “will you” cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: Don’t marry her, will you? (Con sẽ không còn cưới con cái nhỏ xíu cơ chứ?)

*Đối với câu sở hữu đại kể từ biến động chỉ người

Khi ngôi nhà ngữ của câu là những đại kể từ biến động chỉ người như: Anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, none, everybody, everyone, somebody, someone thì tất cả chúng ta sử dụng đại kể từ “they” thực hiện ngôi nhà kể từ nhập thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: Someone had recognized him, hadn’t they? (Có người đã nhận được rời khỏi hắn, cần không?)

*Đối với câu sở hữu đại kể từ biến động chỉ vật

Khi ngôi nhà ngữ của câu là những đại kể từ biến động chỉ vật như: Nothing, something, everything thì tất cả chúng ta sử dụng đại kể từ “it” thực hiện ngôi nhà kể từ nhập thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: Everything is okay, isn’t it? (Mọi loại đều chất lượng đẹp mắt cần không?)

*Đối với câu sở hữu ngôi nhà ngữ mang ý nghĩa hóa học phủ định

Những câu tường thuật sở hữu chứa chấp những kể từ như: Neither, none, no one, nobody, nothing, scarcely, barely, hardly, hardly ever, seldom thì phần thắc mắc đuôi tiếp tục ở thể xác minh.

Ví dụ: Peter hardly ever goes to tướng parties, does he? (Peter hầu hết ko khi nào lên đường dự tiệc tùng, lễ hội, cần không?)

*Đối với cấu hình "I think"

I + think/ believe/ suppose/ figure/ assume/ fancy/ imagine/ reckon/ expect/ see/ + mệnh đề phụ

Ta dùng động từ nhập mệnh đề phụ để xác định động từ cho tới thắc mắc đuôi.

Ví dụ: I think he will come here, won’t he? (Tôi nghĩ về anh ấy sẽ tới phía trên, đích không?)

Phần II. Bài tập

Task 1. Complete the following tag questions

1. Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner, _____?

2. Tam didn’t go to tướng school yesterday, _____?

3. They’ll buy a new computer, _____?

4. She can drink lots of tomato juice every day, _____?

5. She may not come to tướng class today, _____?

6. We should follow the traffic rules strictly, _____?

7. Your mother has read these fairy tales for you many times, _____?

8. He seldom visits you, _____?

9. You’ve never been in Italy, _____?

10. That’s Bob, _____?

1. Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner, does she?

2. Tam didn’t go to tướng school yesterday, did he?

3. They’ll buy a new computer, won’t they?

4. She can drink lots of tomato juice every day, can’t she?

5. She may not come to tướng class today, may she?

6. We should follow the traffic rules strictly, shouldn’t we?

7. Your mother has read these fairy tales for you many times, .hasn’t she?

8. He seldom visits you, does he?

9. You’ve never been in Italy, .have you?

10. That’s Bob, isn’t it?

Task 2. Complete the following tag questions

1. No-one died in the accident, _____?

2. I’m supposed to tướng be here, _____?

3. Nothing is wrong, _____?

4. Nobody called the phone, _____?

5. Everything is okay, _____?

6. Everyone took a rest, _____?

7. Going swimming in the summer is never boring, _____?

8. Let’s dance together, _____?

9. Don’t talk in class, _____?

10. Sit down, _____?

1. No-one died in the accident, did they?

2. I’m supposed to tướng be here, aren’t I?

3. Nothing is wrong, is it?

4. Nobody called the phone, did they?

5. Everything is okay, isn’t it

6. Everyone took a rest, didn’t they?

7. Going swimming in the summer is never boring, is it?

8. Let’s dance together, shall we?

9. Don’t talk in class, will you?

10. Sit down, won’t you?

Task 3. Complete the following tag questions

1. This picture is yours, _____?

2. Hoa never comes to tướng school late, _____?

3. You took some photos on the beach, _____?

4. He hardly ever makes a mistake, _____?

5. We must communicate with you by means of e-mail or chatting, _____?

6. Nobody liked the play, _____?

7. She’d saved money if she bought fresh food, _____?

8. The area was evacuated at once, _____

9. She’s very funny. She’s got a great sense of humor, _____?

10. It never works very well, _____?

1. This picture is yours, isn’t it?

2. Hoa never comes to tướng school late, does she?

3. You took some photos on the beach, .didn’t you?

4. He hardly ever makes a mistake, does he?

5. We must communicate with you by means of e-mail or chatting, mustn’t we?

6. Nobody liked the play, did they?

7. She’d saved money if she bought fresh food, couldn’t she?

8. The area was evacuated at once, wasn’t it?

9. She’s very funny. She’s got a great sense of humor, hasn’t she?

10. It never works very well, does it?

Task 4. Add tag questions to tướng the following.

1. Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner, ............?

2. Tam didn't go to tướng school yesterday, ........?

3. They'll buy a new computer, .........?

4. She can drink lots of tomato juice everyday, .............?

5. She may not come to tướng class today, .............?

6. We should follow the traffic rules strictly, .............?

7. Your mother has read these fairy tales for you many times, . .............?

8. He seldom visits you, .............?

9. You've never been in Italy, . .............?

10. That's Bob, .............?

1. doesn't she

2. did he/she

3. won't they

4. can't she

5. may she

6. shouldn't we

7. hasn't she

8. does he

9. have you

10. isn't it?

Task 5. Add tag questions to tướng the following

1. You don't know where Ann is, ..............?

2. They haven't seen this film, .................?

3. You wouldn't tell anyone about it, ...............?

4. He'd never seen you before,...................?

5. Let's go out for a walk, .......................?

6. This is your book,..................?

7. I am supposed to tướng be here, .............?

8. There is a meeting tonight, ........................?

9. Tom won't be here late, ....................................?

10. You 're tired,............................?

11. You haven't lived here long, ..................?

12. You came in a sports xế hộp, ...........................?

13. These cakes look good, ...........................?

14. You can speak German, .......................?

15. You couldn't tự bầm a favor, ...................?

1. tự you

2. have they

3. would you

4. had he

5. shall we

6. isn't it

7. aren't I

8. isn't there

9. will he

10. aren't you

11. have you

12. didn't you

13. don't they

14. can't you

15. could you

Task 6. Điền thắc mắc đuôi phù hợp.

1. She is collecting stickers, ________?

2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ________?

3. You have cleaned your xe đạp, ________?

4. John and Max don't lượt thích Maths, ________?

5. Peter played handball yesterday, ________?

6. They are going trang chính from school, ________?

7. Mary didn't tự her homework last Monday, ________?

8. He could have bought a new xế hộp, _______?

9. Kevin will come tonight, ________?

10. I'm clever, ________?

1. isn't she

2. don't we

3. haven't you

4. tự they

5. didn't he

6. aren't they

7. did she

8. couldn't he

9. won't he

10. aren't I

Task 7. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).

1. We should đường dây nóng Rita, _______________?

A. should we

B. shouldn’t we

C. shall we

D. should not we

2. Monkeys can’t sing, ______________?

A. can they

B. can it

C. can’t they

D. can’t it

3. These books aren’t yours, ____________?

A. are these

B. aren’t these

C. are they

D. aren’t they

4. That’s Bod’s, ____________?

A. is that

B. isn’t it

C. isn’t that

D. is it

5. No one died in the accident, ______________?

A. did they

B. didn’t they

C. did he

D. didn’t he

6. The air-hostess knows the time she has been here, ______________?

A. does she

B. isn’t it

C. doesn’t she

D. did she

7. This is the second time she’s been here, ______________?

A. isn’t this

B. isn’t it

C. has she

D. hasn’t she

8. They must tự as they are told, ________________?

A. mustn’t they

B. must they

C. are they

D. aren’t they

9. He hardly has anything nowadays, _________________?

A. hasn’t she

B. has he

C. doesn’t he

D. does she

10. You’ve never been in Italy, _________________?

A. have you

B. haven’t you

C. been you

D. had you

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. A

Task 8. Complete the following tag questions

1. You aren't afraid of snakes_____?

2. Ann isn't at home_____?

3. You don't know French_____?

4. Tom didn't see her_____?

5. This isn't yours_____?

6. Mary wasn't angry_____?

7. Bill hasn't had breakfast_____?

8. You won't tell anyone_____?

9. I didn't wake you up_____?

10. Tom doesn't lượt thích oysters_____?

1. You aren't afraid of snakes, are you?

2. Ann isn't at trang chính, is she?

3. You don't know French, tự you?

4. Tom didn't see her, did he?

5. This isn't yours, is it?

6. Mary wasn't angry, was she?

7. Bill hasn't had breakfast, has he?

8. You won't tell anyone, will you?

9. I didn't wake you up, did I?

10. Tom doesn't lượt thích oysters, does he?

Task 9. Complete the following tag questions

1. You don't want to tướng sell the house_____?

2. It doesn't hurt_____?

3. People shouldn't drink and drive_____?

4. You aren't going alone_____?

5. They couldn't pay the rent_____?

6. You don't agree with Bill_____?

7. There wasn't a lot to tướng do_____?

8. I needn't say anything _____?

Xem thêm: trường đại học công nghệ và quản lý hữu nghị

9. That wasn't Ann on the phone_____?

10. You didn't tự it on purpose_____?

1. You don't want to tướng sell the house, tự you?

2. It doesn't hurt, does it?

3. People shouldn't drink and drive, should they?

4. You aren't going alone, are you?

5. They couldn't pay the rent, could they?

6. You don't agree with Bill, tự you?

7. There wasn't a lot to tướng tự, was there?

8. I needn't say anything, need I?

9. That wasn't Ann on the phone, was it?

10. You didn't tự it on purpose, did you?

Task 10. Complete the following tag questions

1. This won't take long _____?

2. She doesn't believe you_____?

3. It didn't matter very much_____?

4. He shouldn't put ví much salt in it_____?

5. Mary couldn't leave the children alone_____?

6. You aren't doing anything tonight_____?

7. You wouldn't mind helping bầm with this_____?

8. George hadn't been there before_____?

9. The children weren't surprised_____?

10. You wouldn't lượt thích another drink_____?

1. This won't take long, will it?

2. She doesn't believe you, does she?

3. It didn't matter very much, did it?

4. He shouldn't put ví much salt in it, should he?

5. Mary couldn't leave the children alone, could she?

6. You aren't doing anything tonight, are you?

7. You wouldn't mind helping bầm with this, would you?

8. George hadn't been there before, had he?

9. The children weren't surprised, were they?

10. You wouldn't lượt thích another drink, would you?

Bài luyện vấp ngã sung

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to tướng indicate the correct answer to tướng each of the following questions.

1. I’m getting better at this job, ______?

A. am I

B. am not I

C. isn’t I

D. aren’t I

2. No one is absent today, ______?

A. are they

B. aren’t they

C. is one

D. isn’t it

3. Linda, turn on the television, ______?

A. doesn’t she

B. don’t you

C. will you

D. will she

4. He’d rather go to tướng bed late and play đoạn phim games, ______?

A. wouldn’t he

B. hadn’t he

C. doesn’t he

D. didn’t he

5. I don’t think he will win the competition, ______?

A. tự I

B. does he

C. will he

D. will I

6. Everyone hopes to tướng gain physical health, ______?

A. doesn’t he

B. hasn’t he

C. haven’t they

D. don’t they

7. They hardly tự the homework the teachers give them, ______?

A. is it

B. don’t they

C. isn’t it

D. tự they

8. You couldn’t give bầm a helping hand, ______?

A. could you

B. tự you

C. couldn’t you

D. don’t you

9. These cats look immensely lovely, ______?

A. are these

B. don’t these

C. are they

D. don’t they

10. There is a buổi tiệc nhỏ at your trang chính, ______?

A. isn’t there

B. is there

C. isn’t it

D. is it

11. Let’s go to tướng the cinema to tướng watch “End game”, ______?

A. will you

B. don’t you

C. shall we

D. don’t we

12. You’ve never been punished for bad marks, ______?

A. have you

B. haven’t you

C. tự you

D. don’t you

13. You and I have to tướng go trang chính now, ______?

A. haven’t we

B. have we

C. tự we

D. don’t we

14. She’s recently been under the weather, ______?

A. isn’t she

B. isn’t her

C. hasn’t her

D. hasn’t she

15. He’s never on time to tướng fulfill the tasks, ______?

A. isn’t he

B. is he

C. hasn’t he

D. has he

16. I’m not pronouncing that new word correctly, ______?

A. am not I

B. am I

C. are I

D. aren’t I

17. Mary had to tướng look after her younger brother when her parents were on business, ______?

A. hadn’t she

B. didn’t she

C. had she

D. did she

18. There’s something wrong with the stove, ______?

A. isn’t there

B. is there

C. isn’t it

D. is it

19. She'd save money if she bought those old jeans, ______?

A. didn’t she

B. wouldn’t she

C. hadn’t she

D. did she

20. Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States, ______?

A. is he

B. Is not he

C. isn’t it

D. isn’t he

21. You must be depressed when seeing this scene, ______?

A. mustn’t you

B. must you

C. aren’t you

D. are you

22. That her sons often go trang chính late makes her furious, ______?

A. doesn’t it

B. does he

C. don’t they

D. tự they

23. The monument does not show the bust of President Clinton, ______?

A. doesn’t it

B. does it

C. is it

D. isn’t it

24. Let bầm help you tự the household chores, ______?

A. aren’t I

B. don’t I

C. may I

D. should I

25. It seems that you are responsible for that mistake, ______?

A. aren’t you

B. tự you

C. isn’t it

D. is it

26. I wish to tướng become a part of your life, ______?

A. may I

B. aren’t I

C. are I

D. am not I

27. When one is talking, you shouldn’t interrupt him, ______?

A. does one

B. should you

C. doesn’t one

D. don’t you

28. You must focus on your study, ______?

A. mustn’t you

B. must you

C. need you

D. needn’t you

29. This is the last time. You mustn’t be late lượt thích that, ______?

A. mustn’t you

B. must you

C. need you

D. needn’t you

30. He must have fed the cats, ______?

A. mustn’t he

B. hasn’t he

C. does he

D. needn’t he

31. She must have been exhausted after a hard-working day, ______?

A. hasn’t she

B. has she

C. did she

D. didn’t she

32. What a lovely skirt you are wearing, ______?

A. isn’t it

B. is it

C. aren’t you

D. are you

33. How mischievous your children are, ______?

A. aren’t they

B. are they

C. are you

D. aren’t you

34. I suppose I can get on well with him, ______?

A. can I

B. can’t I

C. don’t I

D. tự I

35. I don’t think he is a polite person, ______?

A. tự I

B. don’t I

C. is he

D. isn’t he

36. I don’t expect we’ll have any more trouble from him, ______?

A. tự I

B. don’t I

C. will we

D. won’t we

37. I assumed things had gone well with him, ______?

A. had they

B. hadn’t they

C. did I

D. didn’t I

38. He needs to tướng tự it by himself, ______?

A. doesn’t he

B. need he

C. does he

D. needn’t he

39. I feel that you should tự more to tướng help her, ______?

A. tự I

B. don’t I

C. should you

D. shouldn’t you

40. It seems to tướng bầm that he isn’t the right person for the job, ______?

A. isn’t it

B. is it

C. is he

D. isn’t he

Đáp án:

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. A

9. D

10. A

11. C

12. A

13. D

14. D

15. B

16. B

17. B

18. A

19. B

20. D

21. C

22. A

23. B

24. C

25. A

26. A

27. B

28. D

29. B

30. B

31. A

32. A

33. A

34. B

35. C

36. C

37. B

38. A

39. D

40. C

Xem tăng những bài bác luyện Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải cụ thể khác:

  • Bài luyện về Chủ ngữ fake nhập Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải
  • Bài luyện Đảo ngữ nhập Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải
  • Bài luyện về If only đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải
  • Bài luyện In order to tướng, So as to tướng đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải

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